Week 4



Himamen had written 10 global trends that were strong in progress since 2004 of which some would be finalized in 2010. The trends would increase the demand for care of welfare, make innovative jobs more needed and popular than ever and so would the need for education and experts rise as well, as more developed countries cannot rely on routine jobs, which get then pushed onto cheaper countries such as China and India.

Himanen then goes to show the analysis of the economic models that are used around the globe.

Silicon Valley model - The American neo-liberalist model (the predominant model)

Singapore model - The Asian staterun model (emerging model)

Finnish model - The European combination of the information society and the welfare state

As the world is having trouble dealing with the cons of their models, in the analysis he specifically revised the European model into something that also supports the growth of welfare. The objective being to form a balanced entity, considering most of the imbalance is evolving around having bad education or/and welfare in different areas.

The list describes the values which could serve as the basis for the continued combination of the welfare state and the information society .

1. Caring - fairness/equality for all
2. Confidence - gives safety and makes fruitful communality possible
3. Communality - to include other people and do things together
4. Encouragement - the feeling of being able to do more than they ever could
5. Freedom - rights of individuality (freedon of expression, protection of privacy)
6. Creativity - space for creativity energises people and gives fulfillment
7. Courage - required to realise the other values
8. Visionariness - continuation of hope, insightfulness, to dream to make things better
9. Balance - balance between the values, sustainability, to reach equilibrium
10. Meaningfulness - to find meaning in life

In conclusion, all current economic models create imbalance, which makes them have their pros and cons, but it's possible to reach an economic model which could satisfy and reward everyone.


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