Week 1
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)
As the world was getting more digital, there was a need to have secure public connection(e.g.online purchases), in which HTTP got an extension. And so in 1977, Whitfield Diffie and Martin E. Hellman published research about cryptography with the concept of asymmetrical encryption. HTTPS, which was released in 1994 uses the concept, which is based on having a public key and a private key and the exchange of the public key between two devices.
MFA (Multi Factor Authentication)
Earliest occurrence of Two-Factor Authentication was Barclay's Bank machine in 1967, which was based on the combination of "something you have and something you know", which is used till this day. An upgrade of the Two-Factor Authentication happened in 2010 due to a large hack on Google by China. Google then added a Two-Factor Authentication option to its users via an app on the phone, the users would get a code on their e-mail or phone which they would then use together with their password to log in.
USB Flash Drives (Universal Serial Bus)
Ever since computers have existed, memory and processing of data has always been improvised as it increases the usability and performance of a device, USB is one of the devices that was invented for mainly storing as it had the most amount of size, but also porting the data as it was the least prone to damage compared to other physical data transfer options. The flash memory was patented in 1981 and the interface for the USB was introduced in 1994. It first appeared on the market in 2000 and its two key sales point were just that, it was really easy to port data with, as its size would fit in most pockets and it had the most storage space compared to other devices, such as floppy disks and CDs.
https://ee.stanford.edu/~hellman/publications/24.pdf [30.1.22]
https://www.newamerica.org/in-depth/getting-internet-companies-do-right-thing/case-study-2-offering-two-factor-authentication/ [30.1.22]
https://promotionaldrives.com/blog/usb-origin/ [30.1.22]
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